I absolutely LOVE to try new things! I am very adventurous when it comes to trying new food, especially fruit! I'm a vegetarian, so there are some limits there. But, I digress. This African Horned Melon caught my attention at the grocery store today! I love the color orange, and it's spiky exterior was very intriguing. I was desperate to find out what it looked like on the inside, and better yet, how it tastes!

We cut it open and were shocked to see it's green, slimy, seedy flesh! Wow, that was a surprise! Let the adventure begin! I had a few quick thoughts . . . hmmm I hope it is ripe . . . hmmm I hope I'm not supposed to cook it or something . . . (you know some food, like rhubarb, can be poisonous if not cooked). A quick search on google, assured it was meant to be eaten fresh and raw. So, after I slowly dismissed each of my worries, I got a spoon out and dug in! Wow, no not wow, yummy, more like . . . Wow, that's funky! It tastes as slimy as it looks! Those seeds taste like you are eating nothing but the seedy part of a cucumber, in mass quantity. The flavor is kind of lightly sour. It's not gross, but I can't say it's yummy either. I would say it is interesting.
That looks as terrible as it must taste! Slimy...ick!